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Women's Circle. Bring awareness to your confinement

A Women Circle is a emotionally safe space, free of judgement, where women gather to connect with themselves, express themselves, be heard and be supported in their self-awareness, transformation and expansion. It is an ancestral practice adapted to modern times. It is also a place for a authenticity and acceptance, so all you are welcome with all your parts. COME AS YOU ARE.

A circle of women may be the most powerful force known to humanity. If you have one, embrace it. If you need one, seek it. If you find one, for the love of all that is good and holy, dive in. Hold on. Love it up. Get naked. Let them see you. Let them hold you. Let your reluctant tears fall. Let yourself rise fierce and love gentle. You will be changed. The very fabric of your being will be altered. - Jeanette LeBlanc

- We will gather creating a safe and sacred space.
- We will meditate to connect with ourselves.
- We will get into the topic for this month, BRINGING AWARENESS TO OUR CONFINEMENT TIME.
- We will do inner-work exercises.
- We will do a little ritual with the support of the group.
- We will have the opportunity to express ourselves and be listened to without judgement.
- We will set our intentions for the next cycle.
- We will integrate the experience through a relaxation.

The circle will be led by Lidia González Alija (Inner Exploration), coach certified in Zen Coaching and supporting people in their inner-work and in their path to themselves. Lidia has been living for more than a year in the centre for personal and spiritual growth Ängsbacka (Sweden) and she integrates the practices learned there in their sessions and workshops.


  • The workshop will be held in Spanish.

  • Date: Saturday April 25th, 11:00 to 13:30 (Spanish time GMT+2)

  • We will meet through Zoom.

  • Participation is free, however donations are greatly appreciated. 

  • You can sign up until Friday April 24th fill in this form to receive the access link to the meeting on Zoom:

Later Event: 26 March
Source of creativity