My services

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For whom?

What do I offer?


Individual sessions

DURATION The sessions last about 1 hour.

HOW I offer sessions online (audio call or video call, whatever you feel most comfortable with). The online sessions work very well because it is normally easier to relax from the comfort of our own home, which is very important in order to connect with the body.

CONFIDENTIALITY Whatever is expressed in any way during the sessions is totally confidential, so you can feel safe enough to open up.

WILLINGNESS AND COMMITMENT An inner inquiry of this kind moves difficult emotions, sometimes stuck in the body from childhood. Those emotions need to be processed for healing to happen. Entering this coaching process involves your willingness and commitment to face them with my support.

RESPONSIBILITY I believe in your potential and I have deep trust in your truth, that is why no opinions or solutions will come from me, I will instead support you in your unique process and way of looking forward.


Write me for more info and to book your first session here.





I offer private sessions for groups, associations or organisations.

Click here to get in touch and talk about your needs, to design sessions that adapt to you.


I offer group workshops on self-awareness and personal development.

The workshops can be online or in a physical space and they are previously announced both on my website (down here) and on my social media (facebook and instagram) so any interested person can sign up.

In them, the individual inner work is encouraged and supported by the holding group’s energy. They are safe spaces free of judgement for expression, self-discovery and expansion through being held and mirrored.


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